Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Drinks...Sol

The Sol in Mardi Gras guise...
This is by no means a drink I have often, if at all, but I happened to have a few sitting in the fridge as the result of party leftovers, and today I felt like having one. Previous experiences with it have been in Ponsonby bars, or drinking with "noters", and always with a slice of lemon or lime shoved down the I know why. As a real bloke, I don't normally carry spare citrus in my house so had a couple of these without the additive and while they taste OK, they hardly send the DT's running for the hills, or the taste buds racing. Watery would be the worst thing I could say and while I don't consider myself to have one of the finer palettes about, I figure that most who drink this just want to be noticed and considered classy...all I say to you is harden up and drink a real beer! And only women, stereotyped mincers, and middle-aged men on singles cruises have any sort of fruit in their alcoholic beverage. And at that price? Just like name, big tag, but ultimately disappointing.

Nah, not for me, unless there was nothing else in the fridge.


  1. I agree with most of what you say - I never trusted beer where you have to add a wedge of lemon to it either. As an aside I know someone who always asks for heinenken topped up with lime cordial - weird!!!
    But where I do disagree with you it not "carrying spare citrus". Afterall how can you make a decent Jamaician or Russian Mule without Appletons Black or Vodka, Ginger Beer and lime!!!!
    As for Sol - Mexicans should stick exporting to Tequlia and avacados.

  2. The Mexicans are best at exporting Mexicans...illegally, but still...

  3. Took me a while to get used to it, but beer and fresh lime is actually quite a good combo. To be fair, I usually put the lime on the food, or have it on the side. Yes, it is much lighter and more "watery" but you have to put it in context. When temperatures are pushing 35+, a slightly more watery beer served ice cold tastes "fresh". Also helps take the edge of really spicy food.


  4. It's not that expensive here btw, I certainly wouldnt want to pay the import premiums to drink it, and it is certainly not a trendy drink you find in upscale bars etc. Everyone drinks it here during the summer. Wife is "Mexican American" so I get to enjoy much of the food and beverages at family gatherings.

