Friday, January 14, 2011

Creating Ringtones for iPhone....

iPhone 4
 Unlike most other mobile handsets on the market, iPhone does not let you allocate your own music as a ringtone (either default or assigned) unless you purchase that ringtone direct off iTunes. This has it's own problems in that I struggled to find any that appealed to me; Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Lightnin' Hopkins etc, or the ringtone you do get doesn't play the section of the song you actually want. So, dear reader, if you have an iPhone here are the steps to make your own ringtones...

1. Open iTunes and select the song you want to turn into a ringtone. Make a note of the start and finish times (the bar at the top) which you need to get the "section" you want
2. Right click on the song and select "Get Info"
3. Select "Options" and enter the start and finish times of the section of the song you want and click "OK"
4. Right click on the song again and select "Create AAC Version" which will make a new 30 sec (or less of course) version/copy of your song - VFNZ accounts with VMS attached can only ring for a max of 30s (see below about changing ringtime) - standard setting is 20s.
5. Right click this new song and select "Show in Finder" or "Show in Explorer"
6. Here change the file make/extension from "m4a" to "m4r" – if this doesn’t show, go to "Tools", "Folder Options", the click "View" tab and uncheck the box "hide Extensions for known file types"
7. Click and drag your copy of the new m4r file to desktop – delete the version still showing in iTunes
8. Double click the desktop copy – it will either automatically add itself to "Ringtones" as it plays, or you may need to click and drag it in – Windows 7 seems to add it automatically
9. It will add itself to your ringtones when next synched – sometimes you may need to reboot the iPhone to have it show.

GSM Generic Code for changing ringtime;

**61*021700100*11*time# SEND

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